How Long To Smoke A 10 Lb Brisket At 225? (For Best Results)

Are you seeking the ideal method to prepare a 10 lb brisket? Smoking is an excellent way to bring out its rich flavor and texture.

But how long should you smoke a 10lb brisket at 225 degrees while keeping it tender, juicy, and full of delicious smoked goodness? It can take up to 15-20 hours to smoke a 10lb brisket.

The exact amount of time it takes can be hard to determine since many factors can affect the cooking time.

Due to this, We’ll get into the specifics of how long to smoke a 10 lb brisket at 225 degrees in this blog post so you can get delectable results every time!

Additionally, we’ll offer helpful hints along the process to ensure that your brisket is always cooked to perfection. 

How Long Does It Take A 10 Lb Brisket To Smoke At 225°F? 

Brisket To Smoke At 225°F


Brisket weight (lb.) Time to smoke at 225 (hours)
1 1.5 – 2 hours
4 6 – 8 hours
5 7.5 – 10 hours
10 15 – 20 hours
13 19.5 – 26 hours
14 21 – 28 hours
17 25.5 – 34 hours
19 28.5 – 38 hours

Given how many factors can affect the cooking time, determining the exact amount of time required for 10 lb brisket to be prepared at 225 degrees may be difficult.

These include the distance of the tray from the heat source, how often you open your smoker’s lid, and of course, how thick your cut is.

Generally speaking, if you are smoking a 10 lb brisket at a steady temperature of 225 degrees Fahrenheit, you should expect the cooking time for an average thickness brisket to range anywhere from 15-20 hours.

You may want to plan longer than this to ensure it is cooked through and tender. It’s essential to remember that low and slow is always better when it comes to smoked briskets!

Also Read: How Long To Smoke A Brisket At 200?- The Ultimate Slow Cook

What Is The Ideal Temperature To Smoke A 10lb Brisket?

The ideal temperature for smoking a 10lb brisket is 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

This low and slow cooking style allows the smoke to integrate into the meat fully and ensures the inside of the brisket stays tender and juicy.

When it comes to barbecue, precision can make all the difference.

Monitoring that your cooker maintains 225 degrees throughout the entire cook is essential to get that coveted smoky goodness.

To take it one step further, some pitmasters keep an oven thermometer inside their smoker as an additional precaution.

Though this extra investment isn’t required, having a different means of measuring can give some peace of mind – especially with such a significant time commitment.

What Factors Can Affect The Smoking Time Of A 10lb Brisket?

1. The Type Of Smoker Used

The type of smoker used can affect the smoking time of a 10lb brisket. For example, electric smokers typically have a shorter smoking time than charcoal smokers.

Electric smokers can reach higher temperatures faster and maintain those temperatures more efficiently than charcoal smokers.

2. The Size Of The Brisket

The size of the brisket can also affect its smoking time. A giant brisket will take longer to smoke than a smaller one.

This is because it takes longer for the heat to penetrate a larger piece of meat.

3. The Fat Content Of The Brisket

The fat content of the brisket can also affect its smoking time. A brisket with a higher fat content will take longer to smoke than a leaner one.

This is because the fat needs to render out for the meat to be cooked through.

4. The Temperature Of The Smoker

The smoker’s temperature can also affect the smoking time of a 10lb brisket.

If the smoker is too cold, it will take longer for the meat to cook through. Conversely, if the smoker is too hot, the beef may cook too quickly on the outside while remaining raw on the inside.

5. The Type Of Wood Used For Smoke Flavor

The type of wood used for smoke flavor can also affect the smoking time of a 10lb brisket. Different woods impart different flavors to the meat, and some burn hotter than others.

For example, mesquite wood will give a more robust flavor than hickory wood and will also cause the meat to smoke faster.

7. Whether Or Not The Brisket Is Wrapped During Smoking

Whether or not the brisket is wrapped during smoking can also affect its cooking time. If the brisket is wrapped in foil or butcher paper, it will cook faster than if left unwrapped.

This is because wrapping helps to trap heat and moisture, which speeds up cooking.

However, wrapping can also make the meat more tender, so it is important to experiment to find the right balance for your preferences.

8. The Desired Doneness Of The Brisket

Finally, the desired doneness of the brisket can affect its smoking time. If you want your brisket to be very tender and juicy, it will need to be cooked longer than if you prefer it to be more firm and dry.

What Are Different Ways Of Smoking A 10lb Brisket?

wood-fired smoker


1. Traditional Smoker

The traditional way to smoke a brisket is to use a charcoal or wood-fired smoker. This method requires more time and effort than other methods but can produce some of the best results.

The key to this method’s success is maintaining a consistent temperature in the smoker and using the correct type of wood for smoking.

2. Electric Smoker

An electric smoker is an excellent option for those who want to be able to set it and forget it. Electric smokers are pretty simple to use and may make delicious food.

However, they can be more expensive than other types of smokers, and they may not be able to reach the same high temperatures as charcoal or wood-fired smoker.

3. Gas Smoker

A gas smoker is another option for those who want an easy-to-use smoker. Gas smokers are less expensive than electric smokers and can reach higher temperatures.

However, they can be more challenging to control than electric smokers, and they may not produce the same quality of results.

4. Oven Smoker

An oven smoker is a good option for those who want to smoke a brisket without using much fuel. Oven smokers are very efficient, and they can reach high temperatures.

However, they can be challenging to control, and the results may not be as good as other methods.

5. Pellet Smoker

A pellet smoker is an excellent option for those who want to smoke a brisket easily. Pellet smokers are easy to use, and they can produce amazing results.

However, they can be more expensive than other types of smokers

How Do I Know When The Brisket Is Done Smoking?

Knowing when your 10lb brisket is done smoking is essential, as overcooked or undercooked brisket can ruin a meal.

Checking the interior temperature of your brisket is a simple technique to determine whether it is done without chopping into it.

The ideal temperature for smoked brisket should be 220-225 degrees Fahrenheit – if your thermometer reads this, you know it’s done! Additionally, you might notice the fat and collagen breakdown in the meat.

When you press into the brisket with a fork or tongs, you’ll see it should feel soft and give it little resistance. Any further cooking after this point will dry the meat and diminish its flavor.

Keep an eye on these three indicators, and you’ll have excellent smoked brisket every time!

How Should I Prepare the Wood for Smoking a Brisket? 

Finding the suitable wood to smoke a 10lb brisket can be daunting, especially for those new to barbecue. Luckily, several types of wood will give flavorful and delicious results.

An excellent wood to start with is oak; its mild flavor won’t overpower the flavors of the beef or any marinades you may have used.

Mesquite is another popular choice and provides an intense, slightly sweet smokiness that will add depth and character to your brisket. However, it should be used sparingly, as it can quickly become too powerful if added too much.

Finally, fruitwoods like pecan and apple offer a more gentle hint of sweetness and a subtle aroma, making them ideal for smoking your 10lb brisket.

How Often Should I Check The Brisket While It’s Smoking At 225?

Generally, it would help if you opened the smoker every hour to monitor the temperature and add fuel or wood chips as needed.

It’s vital to keep your smoker in an ideal temperature range; too high, and the brisket will become dry, while if the temperature drops below a certain point, you may end up with an undercooked product.

Allowing time between each check-in ensures that the fire has developed correctly and that your brisket is smoked slowly and evenly.

Furthermore, try not to fiddle around too much and only open the smoker when necessary; this disruption of heat and smoke can cause uneven cooking and take away from the flavor.

Wrapping Your 10lb Brisket During The Smoking Process


The best way to wrap a 10lb brisket is to use butcher paper or certified food-grade aluminum foil.

Butcher paper helps create an airtight seal that keeps moisture and prevents burning. Aluminum foil is not as breathable as butcher paper, so it should be reserved when you need more smoke than usual.

Before wrapping, make sure the outside of the brisket is evenly coated with oil and seasonings, then place it on a sheet of wrapper material.

Securely wrap tight by folding over from each side, creating tight folds along all four sides of the meat.

Finally, use extra care when opening so you don’t lose any moisture that has been sealed inside.

With the proper wrapping techniques, you’ll get tender and juicy results every time you smoke a brisket!

How Can I Tell If The Brisket Is Overcooked?

Determining whether brisket is overcooked can be tricky, especially for the novice chef. One sure-fire way to know is by evaluating the texture; if your brisket has a dry or crunchy consistency, it’s likely overcooked.

A good brisket will be juicy and slightly tender to the chew. Look out for telltale signs such as fork-tender meats that easily shred and deep colors throughout.

It’s also important to consider the differences between sliced and chopped brisket when judging if it’s overcooked – chopped brisket should be tender but still able to hold its shape after cooking, while sliced brisket should have a slight bounce to it.

Lastly, check that your juices are clear – anything cloudy or gray could suggest that your meat was cooked too long.

With these essential tips in mind, you’ll soon be an expert in knowing when your brisket is cooked to perfection.

10 Lb Brisket Feeds How Many

Exactly how many depend on who’s sitting around the table. A 10 lb brisket could efficiently serve 30-50 people in one sitting if your group is composed of average eaters or smaller appetites.

But if you’re dealing with more significant needs or just hearty eaters, one brisket might only be enough to feed 20-30 folks.

No matter the template, you can always count on a 10 lb brisket bringing savory satisfaction to your gathering.

Tips For Smoking A 10lb Brisket At 225

1. Choose The Right Cut Of Meat

The most crucial step in smoking a brisket is to begin with, a high-quality piece of beef.

Look for a brisket with a good amount of marbling, as this will help keep the heart moist and flavorful.

Avoid any briskets with excessive amounts of fat, as this will make the meat challenging and difficult to eat.

2. Trim The Fat

Once you have chosen a good brisket cut, it is essential to trim off any excess fat. Fat does not render well when smoked, so it is best to remove as much as possible before cooking.

Use a sharp knife to trim away any large pieces of fat, being careful not to remove too much meat in the process.

3. Season The Brisket

Next, it is time to season the brisket. While there are some approaches, a simple salt, pepper, and garlic powder rub will work. Be sure to evenly coat the entire surface of the meat with the seasoning blend.

4. Preheat Your Smoker

Now it is time to get your smoker up and running.

Before adding your brisket, set the smoker’s temperature to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and give it at least 30 minutes to warm up. 

5. Place The Brisket In The Smoker

Once your smoker is up to temperature, it is time to add your brisket. Place the meat on the grate fat side and close the smoker’s lid.

Allow the brisket to smoke for about 1 hour per pound or until it reaches an internal temperature of 190 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Wrap The Brisket In Foil

After smoking for the appropriate amount of time, it is time to wrap the brisket in foil. This will help to tenderize the meat further and keep it moist during the cooking process.

Place the smoked brisket in a large sheet of foil and seal it tightly around all sides.

7. Return The Wrapped Brisket To The Smoker

When the wrapped brisket has reached an internal temperature of 200 degrees Fahrenheit, place it back in the smoker and cook it.

Depending on the size of the brisket, this should take another hour or more. 

8 . Remove From Heat And Allow To Rest

Please let the brisket rest for at least 30 minutes after removing it from the smoker when it reaches 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

This resting period allows all those delicious juices released during cooking time to be reabsorbed back into the meat, making for a more tender and flavorful final product.

9. Slice against the grain and enjoy!

After allowing your smoked brisket to rest, it is time to slice into it and enjoy.

Be sure to slice against the grain, as this will result in more tender slices of meat. Serve with your favorite barbecue sauce, and enjoy!


Is It Better To Smoke Brisket Longer Or Shorter?

Getting the cooking time just right is essential for an excellent brisket experience.

Doing so requires trial and error, starting with shorter times and adding the additional time until you find the perfect tenderness and flavor for your taste.

How long should a ten lb. brisket be smoked on a pellet grill? 

Generally, you should expect it to take anywhere from 12-15 hours.

Keep a close check on the interior meat temperature using a thermometer by piercing it many times to ensure your brisket is cooked thoroughly. The ideal temperature to reach is 195-225°F (90-107°C).

A lower temperature means your brisket is too rare, while a higher temperature will result in an overcooked piece of meat.

How Much Time Does It Take A Traeger To Smoke A 10 Lb Brisket?  

Cooking a 10-pound brisket on a Traeger smoker can be quite a process, but with the right amount of patience and love, you’ll be rewarded with delectable smoky meat! On average, cooking a 10-pound brisket will take approximately 10 hours.

It would help if you began to smoke your brisket at 225-250°F for around 12-15 hours, then bump the heat to about 300°F for the last 2 hours.

This additional heat helps with rendering fat and creates crispy bark. To ensure the brisket is cooked correctly, use an instant-read thermometer to check the inside temperature of the thickest part of the meat.

The ideal target temperature for well-done brisket is 203°F.

How Long Should A 10-Pound Brisket Smoke In An Electric Smoker? 

Depending on your desired results, you’ll want to plan a low and slow cook, typically at 225 degrees.

For the ideal texture and moisture, plan for about 1 hour per pound; for a 10 lb brisket, this could mean around 10 hours of smoking time.

Be prepared for the entire cooking time, as each electric smoker may vary, and some may require more time to get that succulent tenderness we all expect from a perfectly smoked brisket.

How Long Should A 10-Pound Brisket Smoke At 300? 

While the time required to smoke a 10 lb brisket at 300 degrees Fahrenheit decreases, it still takes about 10 to 12 hours.

Of course, it is recommended that you check the internal temperature of your brisket regularly before serving.

Final Thoughts

For the most significant results, we suggest cooking a beef brisket at 225 degrees Fahrenheit, which is approximately 107 degrees Celsius.

You should be able to cook your brisket at this temperature for a respectable amount of time without the meat being overly charred or losing an excessive quantity of moisture.

After removing the brisket from the smoker, you must ensure that it has at least half an hour to rest before serving.

The muscle fibers will be able to relax and reabsorb some of the juices they have lost due to this.

This will ensure that everything retains its incredible flavor while keeping it incredibly moist and delicate.

Also Read: How Long To Smoke Ribs At 225 Without Foil? (Easy Method)

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