5 Best Pellet For Brisket ( Expert Analysis)

Are you fed up with attempting to start figuring out what type of wood pellets to use for smoking your mouth-watering brisket? Worry not!

Because hardwoods the same as oak, sagebrush, and hickory impart strong flavors, you can also use brand-name wood pellet mix to infuse your briskets with distinct flavors.

Applewood, maple wood, and pecan wood add a sweet but also subtle flavor to briskets.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the most popular types of wood pellets available today and discuss their benefits for creating the ideal smoked brisket.

From varying flavor profiles and usage guidelines, and brand reviews – get ready to learn all there is about pellet selection so that you can quickly become an expert BBQ-er in no time!

What Is A Brisket?

A brisket is a meat product

A brisket is a meat product that arrives from the lower chest section of a cow.

It is a relatively tough and fatty piece of meat, but when cooked properly, it possesses an incredibly rich flavor.

Because of the abundance of fat, brisket is usually slow-cooked over low heat for multiple hours, which renders it juicy and tender.

An ideal brisket will have both a crispy crust and beautifully melty fat dispersed throughout.

The end result, whether served on its own or used in a variety of recipes such as sandwiches and stews, will be pleasingly savory.

What Pellet To Use For Brisket?

When selecting a pellet for cooking brisket, it is best to choose one with robust smoky flavors.

Hickory is the most traditional option, and its deep, flavorful profile pairs perfectly with the low-and-slow cooking of BBQ brisket.

Depending on your region, Mesquite or pecan pellets are also great choices that give brisket an intensely savory taste.

For those who prefer a milder flavor, it’s possible to mix different types of pellets together and find just the right mixture!

Cooking BBQ brisket can be daunting, so make sure to start with an appropriate pellet that will help you achieve maximum deliciousness.

What Are Wood Pellets For Smoking Briskets?

Wood pellets are produced in a very quick and effective way, providing an excellent source of fuel. Sawdust is created as a byproduct of the lumber mill from composite wood particles.

Not only does this offer an eco-friendly approach to combustion, but it’s also friendly for your wallet!

The sawdust is held tightly together in its natural state, taking shape and size of chicken feed.

Wood pellets should be used directly; any attempt to soak them will cause them to disintegrate.

Therefore, saving you time and money with easy lightning made possible with pellet wood that runs cleanly.

Wood Pellets are a great way to get that delicious smoky flavor when smoking briskets.

Wood pellets are especially popular for brisket smoking because they release consistent smoke over time and burn hot—ideal for cooking low and slow.

When grilling with wood pellets, it’s important to practice patience—smoke adds flavor gradually rather than all at once, so give it some time, and you’ll be rewarded!

Different Types Of Wood For Smoking Brisket

Type of Wood to Smoke Brisket Type of Smoke.  Flavor Profile
Oak Has medium strength and burns for long hours. A great choice for beginners. Strong, Traditional Smoke.
Mesquite Has the strongest smoke profile and burns very quickly. Strong and Earthy flavor.
Hickory Strong Milder flavor than Mesquite, but stronger than fruitwoods. Produces a Nutty or Bacon-like flavor.
Apple Wood Medium Sweet and Fruity flavor. Bolder notes. Not as strong as Pecan.
Pecan Strong Subtle-sweet, Vanilla, and Nutty flavor.
Maple Mild Subtle-sweet flavor.


When it comes to infusing amazing smoky flavors, nothing quite matches adding different types of wood.

The flavor combinations possible from different woods can both surprise and tantalize taste buds all at once!

That’s why, today, let’s take a look at the most popular types of woods used for smoking briskets and the specific flavors they tend to produce.

It doesn’t matter what type of smoker setup you want to create delectable results.

Whether it’s some wood pellets on a pellet grill or some logs and stick chunks on a fireplace/charcoal or offset smoker – there are still so many tastes waiting to be explored if you adjust your selection of wood accordingly!

Medium To Strong Flavors

1- Oak: 

Oak is the go-to wood for barbecue enthusiasts in Central Texas, being smokier and flavourful than other woods with a medium intensity that won’t overpower the dish.

It has long-lasting burn time, which makes it great for beginners to light just getting into the swinging of smoking BBQ.

2- Hickory: 

Hickory has a strong, smoky taste which can be described as having a dominant nutty or bacon flavor.

While this might sound divine, be careful with this type of wood, as too much smoke can give your meat an unpleasant bitter twang.

3- Mesquite: 

Mesquite is notably different from oak and hickory, burning out faster while delivering punches of deep earthy flavors perfect for anyone seeking delicious Texas smoked brisket.

Though Mesquite is the savior to pitmasters all over Central Texas, like its sibling hickory, it’s essential to measure when filling the smoker up with Mesquite.

Otherwise, a lack aversion of control can lead to some truly intense flavors overwhelming the otherwise delicious results.

Mild Flavors

Maple- Maple wood produces a mild smokiness and sweet flavor. For that reason, it’s a popular choice when smoking a brisket.

Pecan- Pecan wood is another option that brings sweetness and nutty flavors to the meat but should be combined with a wood that has greater strength to avoid resulting in overly sweet-tasting meat.

Applewood- Applewood is characterized by its production of very mild smokiness with a sweet and fruity flavor. It can elevate an already delicious dish.

Cherry- Cherry also adds mild smokiness along with a nicely balanced fruity flavor and pairs best with hickory.

Olivewood- Lastly, Olivewood offers similar mesquite flavors in lighter doses, which many enjoy.

Smokers’ favor gives it a taste for its subtle smokiness and unique flavor.

A Note About Wood Size For Smoking Brisket

Size For Smoking Brisket

Thinking about the type of wood you want to use to smoke brisket is critical, but size matters too! The size of pieces that you’ll need depends on the smoker and the dimensions of the brisket. When selecting your wood pieces, keep in mind that the four most popular sizes are :

1- Chips: If you’re looking for a quick, mid-duration burner, then chips are a good option.

As small shavings and wood scraps, chips are great for use in electric and gas smokers but can be used with some charcoal models too.

However, they don’t last very long so chips are generally not recommended for larger-sized briskets.

2- Chunks: Chunks of about fist size also make great fuel for offset smokers and other uses.

Their larger size makes them excellent additions to reinvigorate pits long into cooking cycles. They are, therefore, better suited to larger cuts of meat like brisket.

3- Logs: On the other end of the scale, there are logs or large wood stains and split logs – ideal material for your larger BBQs needing higher heat output to bring huge amounts of longer-lasting smoke flavor.

Especially when they’re used as the main heat source options. This same quality can benefit large thick cuts of beef, tackling marvelous briskets!

4- Pellets: Finally, pellets are love as they give off clean heat, which is perfect for taking in second slow roasting tasks more quickly than their more direct counterparts via high power blows blasts in bbq grills.

Plus a distinctive 100% hardwood aroma giving subtle yet choice mild smoked facts picking up the elements nearer after finishing temperatures running out our fabulous food further prior presentation stages.

How Much Wood Pellet Does A Pellet Grill Use?

Using a pellet grill is more efficient than using traditional charcoal or gas grills, as the amount of wood pellets used is much less.

Pellet grills host a variety of benefits, such as easy cleanup and easy temperature regulation.

Depending on your style of cooking and type of grilled food, you can expect to use between 4-8 pounds of wood pellets per hour.

This means that, at most, you may need to replenish pellets every few hours if you’re grilling for long periods of time and at high temperatures.

However, when cooked correctly, pellet grills can last up to 10 hours, depending on the type of food being cooked.

Ultimately, choosing a pellet grill over traditional barbecues will save energy—and money—in the long run!

Best Smoked Brisket Recipe For A Pellet Smoker

1- Select The Right Brisket.

When choosing a brisket, you want to look for a cut that is well-marbled with fat. The fat will help to keep the meat moist and flavorful as it cooks.

Make sure the brisket is not overly lean because this might result in a dry but also tough finished product.

2- Trim The Fat.

Once you have selected your brisket, you will need to trim off any excess fat.

You want to leave some of the fat on, as this will help to flavor the meat and keep it moist, but you do not want there to be too much fat, or else it will not render properly and will make the final product greasy.

3- Season The Brisket.

Next, you will need to season the brisket.

This can be done with a variety of different spices or rubs or simply with salt and pepper.

Make certain that the surface area is evenly coated of the meat so that it is evenly seasoned.

4- Preheat Your Pellet Smoker.

Before cooking your brisket, you need to preheat your pellet smoker.

You want to set it to 250 degrees Fahrenheit so that it is nice and slow-cooking when you put the meat in.

5- Place The Brisket In The Pellet Smoker.

Once your pellet smoker is preheated, you can place your brisket inside.

You must ensure that you put it on a rack so that it is not touching the bottom of the smoker, where it could scorch.

6- Cook For 12-14 Hours.

Now all you need to do is let your pellet smoker do its work!

The cooking time might very well vary depending on the dimensions of your brisket, but you generally want to cook it for 12-14 hours so that it is nice and tender when finished.

7- Remove From The Pellet Smoker And Rest For 30 Minutes Before Slicing.

Once your brisket is cooked through, remove it from the pellet smoker and Allow it to rest for at least 30 min before slicing.

This allows the juices to circulate throughout the meat so that they do not all run out when you start slicing into it.

The Best Pellets For Smoking Brisket

1- CookinPellets 40H BBQ Pellets – Hickory 

If you are a fan of intense flavor, you should look into this hickory wood pellet!

Carefully and selectively made out of only hickory wood and the absence of inexpensive fillers like Alder or other pellets woods, this pellet can add an interesting smokiness to your recipes when grilling with any type of grill.

For a unique barbecue experience, why not try it for your most cherished recipes that require both sweet and saucy flavors?

Smoking is easy with high-quality hickory pellets – just throw them in, and kiss away boring flavors as you wait for your meal to be smokerific!

2- Traeger Natural Hardwood Pellet- Mesquite 

This is the perfect pellet when you want to add robust and bold flavors to briskets.

An enduring favorite, the purely Mesquite wood creates a savory burst for meats like beef, pork, poultry, and fish.

With very little byproduct ash left over, there’s no mess that needs cleaning once you’re done.

It also adds a distinct Texas flavor during grilling any kind of brisket.

If mesquite wood isn’t your style, the brand offers a selection of other kinds, such as Hickory, Apple, Cherry, and even the proprietary Traeger Signature Blend.

No matter your menagerie of flavors – the result will leave your guests smacking their lips!

3- ASMOKE Wood Pellet – Apple Wood

ASMOKE Apple Wood Pellet is a great option as it provides a naturally fruity and refreshing taste while still blending nicely with brisket.

The apple wood pellet differentiates itself from other pellets significantly as it has no oakwood or any other types of fillers.

Yielding excellent taste and guaranteed satisfaction, this is truly the best option you can choose if you’re looking to have meats that retain their natural flavor.

Suitable for all kinds of meat – be it beef, chicken, or pork – you can be assured of getting delightful results.

4- Grilla Grill Competition Blend Wood Pellets

It’s comprised of three exceptional options – oak, hickory, and cherry.

The mix is specially formulated to provide the ultimate flavor foundation for any rid or cut of BBQ meat.

Not only does this flavorful pellet blend ensure fire burns evenly over the food, but it also results in a super-balanced taste that nicely complements your chosen dish.

So if you’re looking for an unforgettable woodsmoke flavor, grab this special mix and get cooking!

5- Traeger Natural Wood Pellets – Pecan

For a flavor-packed smoky barbecue feast, nothing beats the sweet and nutty aroma of Pecan wood!

Their Pecan Pellets don’t just reduce the time for smoking your dishes but infuse an amazing flavor into the meats too.

Brisket is particularly popular when smoked in this way, and if you’re after something extra – just mash together cayenne pepper or red pepper seasoning with the pellets to enjoy an unbeatable bold taste!

Best Wood For Smoking Texas Brisket

Smoking Texas Brisket

Texas Brisket is the perfect embodiment of classic southern barbecue, and the flavor is largely influenced by the kind of wood used to smoke it.

While there are many types of hardwoods that work well for smoking, oak is by far the best for Texas Brisket.

Oak burns fairly hot and slow, allowing enough time for the smoky flavors to really penetrate the meat.

It has very little pitch and resin, meaning it won’t leave your finished product tasting oily or soapy.

Plus, oak wood creates a mesmerizing white-to-blue smoke ring on smoked meats – a sure sign that your brisket is tender, juicy, and smoky!

The overall result? Slow-smoked perfection in every bite of Texas Brisket.

Tips for choosing your wood

No matter what combination of wood you decide on, you’ll want to follow these tips to get a great-tasting brisket:

  1. Avoid using green wood (wood that has been recently cut and has not had an opportunity to season or dry out.)
  2. Softwoods should be avoided.
  3. Do not use painted, stained, or treated wood.
  4. Don’t use moldy or fungus-infested wood.
  5. Experiment with various types and combinations to achieve diverse flavor profiles.
  6. Maintain a consistent temperature
  7. Maintain a clean, blueish smoke.
  8. Over-smoking can result in bitter-tasting meat.


It’s hard to decide on the best pellet for brisket, but we hope this guide has given you some insights.

When selecting pellets, there are numerous factors to consider, such as price and type of wood.

Ultimately, it depends on your personal preferences.

We recommend trying out different pellets until you find the perfect one for your brisket recipe. Thank you for reading!

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